The Chess Store Theme Chess Sets


JAN ELIZABETH LANDWEHR Co-Founder, Innovation Manager, Chief Editor & Artist

Jan is an ‘Ecopreneur’, a self-proclaimed ‘Job Innovation Advocate’, and a seasoned Recruitment Consultant who holds a Bachelor’s degree in Environmental Studies from the University of Texas at Dallas and a Master’s degree in Business Administration and Entrepreneurship from the University of New Hampshire. She currently lives in the suburban foothills of the Watchung Mountains – General George Washington’s favorite hideout during the War for American Independence. Being a 13th generation American, descendant of the Founding Fathers of New England and New Amsterdam, and a sprinkle of Quaker financiers, Jan integrates that old adage “Everything Old is New Again” into her own ‘upcycling’ and ‘collecting’ lifestyle – from Cistercian Architecture to ‘Yankee Barn Homes’ – from Arabic Spice Boxes to ‘Bath & Body Works’ – from Knickerbocker Coffee Grinders to ‘Starbuck’s Espresso Mugs’ – and from Medieval Tapestries to ‘McCartney’s’ Recycled Handbags. Jan’s passions are flea markets, architectural salvage yards, artisanal crafts, and eco-tourism.

JOHN RANDOLPH WATHEN Co-Founder, Marketing Specialist,& Editorial Advisor

John holds a Bachelor’s degree in Cultural Anthropology and English Literature from the University of Arkansas at Fayetteville and is among other things – a Certified Gemologist who currently lives in the Farming, Ranching, and Banking heart of Texas. Being an 11th generation American, a descendant of the Founding Fathers of Maryland and Virginia and those brave pioneers who first settled “The American West”, John is a cultural connoisseur with an eclectic palette of interests which range from Ancient World Histories and Mythologies to Modern Medieval Rock Music – from Indian Wood Carvings to Chinese Tea Cups – from French Truffles to Caspian Caviar, from Wildlife Migrations to Conservation Barnstorming, from Weather Watching to Eco-Digging – from Ghost Hunting to Ice Yachting – and from Wine Tasting to Zip-lining the Coastal Skyline of Hawaii.

G Adventures

G Adventures