Do You Know Your U.S. Presidential Eco Trivia?


1-Which U.S. President planted the First vegetable garden and ornamental trees on the White House Lawn?
2-Which U.S. President created 150 National Forests, 5 National Parks, 18 National Monuments and the conservation of 230 million acres of U.S. soil?
3-Which U.S. President created the First American ornamental landscaped garden, the First ‘Regimental Gardens’ and the First American stercorary – a covered dung depository where manure could be stored, aged, and mixed?
4-Which U.S. President established the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, the National Academy of Sciences, and the protection of Yosemite Valley in California?
5-Which U.S. President created a natural resource conservation program that utilized thousands of unemployed young men to restore and develop rural lands owned by Federal, state, and local governments?
6-Which U.S. President signed the Clean Air Act, the Endangered Species Act, the Safe Drinking Water Act and created the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency?
7-Which U.S. President signed the Soil and Water Conservation Act, the Surface Mining Control & Reclamation Act, the Antarctic Conservation Act, the Alaskan National Interest Lands Conservation Act, and created the U.S. Department of Energy?
8-Which U.S. President saved the Australian koala bear from extinction by signing an order prohibiting the importation of koala furs?
9-Which U.S. President and agronomist campaigned for sugar maple orchards to be planted by farmers across the country in order to rid America’s dependence on British West Indies sugarcane?
10-Which U.S. President was the most respected farmer of his day – the First President of the Agricultural Society of Albemarle, the First American to espouse “the symmetry of nature-the interrelationship between earth and mankind” – and the forgotten Father of American Environmentalism?

1- John Adams, 2nd U.S. President (1797-1801)
2- Theodore Roosevelt, 26th U.S. President (1901-1909)
3- George Washington, 1st U.S. President (1789-1796)
4- Abraham Lincoln, 16th U.S. President (1860-1865)
5- Franklin Delano Roosevelt, 32nd U.S. President (1933-1945)
6- Richard Nixon, 37th U.S. President (1969-1974)
7- Jimmy Carter, 39th U.S. President (1977-1981)
8- Herbert Hoover, 31st President (1929-1933)
9- Thomas Jefferson, 3rd U.S. President (1801-1809)
10- James Madison, 4th President (1809-1817)


One Comment on "Do You Know Your U.S. Presidential Eco Trivia?"

  1. Kaylee on Sun, 12th Jun 2011 4:10 pm 

    Thanks for sharing. What a pleasure to read!

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